Visualizzazione degli articoli taggati 'VPS'

 For your Debian and Centos Images: What is the minor version?

We automatically update our images to be the latest minor version within two weeks after the...

 Are you patched against Meltdown and Spectre?

All currently released stable patches are applied. We expect to apply more patches as they get...

 Can I install Windows?

Right now we are focusing on support for Linux as an operating system. You can install Windows...

 How are your images set up?

  The images we provide use cloud-init to set up networking and other options. They come with...

 Is there any way to get a custom configuration?

Customized virtual servers are not currently available. However, you can mount additional disks,...

 What hypervisor and NIC/disk drivers do you use?

We are running KVM as a hypervisor. We use virtio for both virtual NICs and disks.

 What hardware do my servers run on?

The CX line Cloud servers run on the latest generation of Intel® Xeon® CPUs (Skylake) with ECC...

 When will I get my invoice?

When you sign up for our offer, we will create the first invoice earlier than usual. We will only...

 How do you bill for snapshots and backups?

Snapshots are billed per gigabyte per month. We will only bill you for the space the compressed...

 How do you bill for traffic?

We only bill for outgoing traffic. Incoming and internal traffic is free. Internal traffic...

 Do you bill servers that are off?

Yes. All servers that have finished their creation process will be billed until they are deleted,...

 Are there any limits on how Networks can be used?

You can attach up to 100 servers to a Network Every server can have up to 5 alias IPs in...

 Is traffic inside Cloud Networks encrypted?

Traffic between Cloud Servers inside a Network is private and isolated, but not automatically...

 Can one server have multiple IP addresses in a Network?

Yes. In addition to the main IP in the Network, you can also configure up to five alias IP...

 How are IP addresses configured on my servers?

If you recently created your server using one of our standard images, then we will automatically...

 Which IP addresses can be used?

You can create Networks for all RFC1918 private IP ranges which are: ``...

 How are IP addresses managed in Networks?

  You can use the Cloud Console to manage the IP addresses in Networks. Whenever you attach a...

 Will you charge for this feature? How about traffic?

The Networks feature is free. The traffic on the private network interfaces is free and will not...

 Can Networks span multiple locations?

Yes, you can connect instances from our locations in Falkenstein, Nuremberg and Helsinki to the...

 What are Your Cloud Networks?

Networks provide private layer 3 links between  Cloud Servers using dedicated network interfaces....


 Are there size limits for volumes?

  Volumes can be between 10 GB and 10 TB.

  Is there a limit on the number of attached volumes?

You can mount up to 16 volumes on each of your  Cloud Servers. Please note that you can only...

 How does you store the data in volumes?

Every block of data is stored on three different physical servers (triple replication).

 Can I resize Volumes?

You can resize a Volume to up to 10 TB, in increments of 1GB. Please note, however, that you can...

 Are volumes available in all locations?

  Volumes are available all locations (currently Falkenstein, Helsinki and Nuremberg).

 What are the Cloud Volumes?

It is a feature for fast, flexible, and cost-effective (SSD based) block storage which you can...

 How can I access the server I rebuilt?

Assume you rebuilt your Server server1 from a snapshot called snap1. Case 1: server1 was...

 Can I pick my backup window?

Backups are taken daily and it is not possible to change that. It is not possible to choose...

 What are snapshots and backups?

Snapshots and backups are copies of your server's disk. You can create snapshots when you need...

 What are floating IPs and how do they work?

Floating IPs help you to create highly flexible setups. You can assign a floating IP to any...

 Finns det några begränsningar till vad jag använda med VPS till?

Ja det finns begränsningar: Vi tillåter inte crypto  mining på våra VPS Vi tillåter inte att...

 What are the dedicated vCPU server plans?

Every dedicated vCPU instance has its own dedicated CPU resources (1 vCPU = 1 hyper-thread), so...

 Hur använder jag Recovery Mode?

Genom att boota upp servern i Recovery mode bootas den inte mot er systemdisk, utan den bootas...

 Vart hittar jag manualen till ISPConfig3?

Ni hittar denna nedladdningsarean i ert kundkonto: Logga in till ert Kundkonto Klicka...

 Vart hittar jag statistiken för en webbplats skapad mes ISPConfig?

Antag att webbplatsen är Ni hittar då statistiken på...

 Hur gör jag min VPS säker?

Om ni har en omanagerad VPS/Server är det ert eget ansvar att se till att den är...

 Bra att veta om din VPS

Då du har full åtkomst till din server så har du möjlighet att konfigurera din VPS efter dina...

 Har ni några exempel på hur man gör databaskopplingar i mina skript?

Vi rekommernderar att ni besöker Där finns...

 Vad är egentligen en VPS?

  En VPS är en personlig server, det är en helt egen virtuell server som ni...